Day 67 - Simplicity
/Remember our post about 3 reasons why it's good to travel with kids? Today was a perfect example of 2 out of 3 of those reasons.
Read MoreRemember our post about 3 reasons why it's good to travel with kids? Today was a perfect example of 2 out of 3 of those reasons.
Read MoreWe had promised the kids, specifically Hannah, that we would go back to the fountains on Avenue Jean Jaurès so that she could play some more.
The kids got dressed in their bathing suits, and we got dressed in our running clothes. We took turns watching the kids at the fountains for 30 minutes, while allowing the other person to go for a run up and down Avenue Jean Jaurès, which was slightly over 3 miles.
Kian enjoying the cool splash on the hot sunny day
Hannah trying to refill her water gun
As a runner, I think there is no better way to truly see the town/city/village that you are staying at than taking a nice run/jog/power walk. First off, you look like a local, and almost feel like one too, because you are not holding a map or a camera. Secondly, you are not concerned about what sights are coming up next; whatever will be will be, and you just keep on running. I saw quite a few tourists with maps in hand, people taking pictures of the garden gates (with iPhones), and lots of little kids on a field trip holding hands and being told to stay in line :).
With the invigorating run behind me, it was my turn to watch the kids. I noticed the already horrible looking bug bites on Hannah's legs seemed to be getting even worse.
Mosquito bites all over Hannah's legs
Hannah must have some sort of allergic reaction to these bites. as her legs looked red and almost swollen. I always carry a small first aid kit with me that has all sorts of emergency items, including allergy medicine. I gave her a the proper dosage and saw and shortly saw an improvement, although not a significant one.
After being out in the sun for a while, the entire family needed a nap... especially Hannah, as I think the allergy medicine got her a bit drowsy.
Since Hannah's legs were still red and very itchy in the evening, we decided to head out to a pharmacy and see if we can find something that would alleviate the itching and swelling.
There is a pharmacy within walking distance; however due to its central location in a touristy part of town we had noticed the prices were very high when we stopped in the other day. Instead, we went for a little drive and found one a bit outside the main part of town, which did indeed have better prices. The only problem was that none of the pharmacists spoke English!
Thankfully, the mix of our French (learned in high school), a translation app on our iphone, and body language was sufficient to covey our question. We found an "after sting" cream (Apres-Piqures) for children, called Baby Apaisyl, which is apparently made by Merck in Italy. We also purchased a mosquito repellent spray to prevent future mosquito attacks.
What I found most interesting was that while we were there, two mothers walked in with their children and just went right up to the counter, showed the pharmacist the child's problem (in both cases a skin irritation of sorts) and asked what they should do. The pharmacists either recommended a product to purchase or explained what could be done resolve the issue. This was of course very helpful to see, because once we found the cream, I picked up Hannah and showed one of the pharmacists Hannah's legs and asked if the cream would help and he agreed that it would. Amazingly enough, with just one application of the cream, Hannah's bug bites improved significantly and put my mind at ease.
The way the locals asked the pharmacists for medical advice prompted me to wonder if in France, or even in all of Europe, it is generally a common practice to go the the pharmacy, instead of the doctor, for mild ailments. This was also the case in Tehran when I was a kid, but certainly isn't the case in America (probably because of all the lawsuits). A little research confirmed this is indeed very common across all of Europe.
Throughout Europe, people with a health problem go first to the pharmacy, not to their doctor. European pharmacists can diagnose and prescribe remedies for many simple problems, such as sore throats, fevers, stomach issues, sinus problems, insomnia, blisters, rashes, urinary tract infections, or muscle, joint, and back pain. Most cities have at least a few 24-hour pharmacies from which you can pick up what you need and be on the mend pronto.
So, if you are ever in Europe and need minor medical attention, visit a pharmacy first. Chances are the pharmacists can help you out, and you wan't have to go through the hassle of going to a clinic.
A quiet start to the day, with the kids playing together - one of my absolute favorite recurring event on this "big adventure". I love hearing the two of them come up with different scenarios and playing it out. It is also definitely very nice that Kian has a lot of patience, and doesn't mind explaining the same concept to Hannah over and over again. Whether or not Hannah comprehends the explanations or just says "ok" to get back to the game is still a mystery! But she is a great sport at hearing Kian out, and at her age, that's more than we can ask for.
Kian and Hannah playing with legos
We had to get milk and just a few other items, so we decided to check out the nearby grocery store. It's within walking distance, but we decided to drive in case they didn't have what we were looking for. Thankfully, that ended up being a good choice, since the prices at this store seemed much higher than we had seen elsewhere, and with less variety, so we went back to trusty good old Lidl.
Next to Lidl, we discovered a nice little discount store which must have been closed last time, and we decided to check it out. We found several good outdoor toys, including water guns for the kids, at a very reasonable price. Since we'll be just traveling by car for the next few months, getting a few extra inexpensive things which will ultimately be disposable, but which will entertain the kids in the meantime, doesn't hurt.
Once we arrived home, I sent the kids and hubby to play with their new water guns in a grassy area within our apartment complex, as I cooked dinner.
They lasted about 5 minutes out there before they rushed back to avoid being eaten alive by the crazy mosquitos here. With the exception of Kian, everyone already has a number of itchy red bites around their legs and arms thanks to these mosquitos. Hannah has it the worst, and unfortunately these extra few minutes outside resulted in a ton more bites for her, which manifested the next day :(
They continued to play out on the terrace/balcony until dinner was ready, where the mosquito situation is slightly better thanks to some lemon scented candles.
Hannah figuring out the pumping and shooting of her water gun.
Squirting the photographer!
Happy and slightly soaked Hannah
Hannah's giggling after she got Kian
Kian takes cover!
Oh what fun...
Meanwhile, I made our dinner of grilled salmon, white rice, mushrooms, peppers and a bit of spinach.
On our last night in Ireland, we discovered that the kids actually really like salmon, so we are now finally all able to enjoy some seafood as a family. It only took almost 5 years!
A lovely and relaxing day was concluded with a delicious and healthy meal. I suppose if the mosquitos here could talk, they might have had the same sentiment, referring to all the deliciousness they were served out on that grassy area (more on Hannah's itchy mosquito bites in the next post).
Our family of four is chased summer around the world. Now we are a family of 5, back in the US, and planning our next great adventure.